Chris and I had an awesome weekend with family in Boise watching and cheering on Paige at girls basketball state! It was always my dream to play at state in basketball but never happened for me so I lived vicariously through Paige:) They played awesome and ended up wining the consultation championship! Paige played her heart out and when that final buzzer rang and we won I wont lie a few tears came out of my eyes. It didn't help that they won in overtime so emotions were high! but they pulled it through and did a great job. Props to the Lady bobcats! My family went, aunts, cousins, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law. We had so much fun cheering, shopping, and sampling each others Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes yum! We had so much fun and cant wait for a couple of weeks to go back and cheer on Ryker for boys state! I also mentioned Valentines day in my title and Chris and I had a great Valentines day it didn't help that he had three test in a couple of days and tons of homework. I hate school sometimes and I'm not even the one going to school. but I got a beautiful bouquet of a dozen long stemmed red roses and we went out and ate at the Pineapple Grill one of Chris' favorites. The best part was I got to spend a couple of hours just me and Chris. With school, kids sports it seems like "us" time doesn't seem to hit top priority so it was nice to be with my best friend and love of my life. I am so grateful that I have such a hard working and dedicated husband because I know this time will pass and I will get my husband back. but for right now I understand and love him for it. I hope you all had a great valentines day! Until next time.....
Hand in Hand Side by Side.......
Monday, February 20, 2012
Valentines Day and Girls State!!!!
Chris and I had an awesome weekend with family in Boise watching and cheering on Paige at girls basketball state! It was always my dream to play at state in basketball but never happened for me so I lived vicariously through Paige:) They played awesome and ended up wining the consultation championship! Paige played her heart out and when that final buzzer rang and we won I wont lie a few tears came out of my eyes. It didn't help that they won in overtime so emotions were high! but they pulled it through and did a great job. Props to the Lady bobcats! My family went, aunts, cousins, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law. We had so much fun cheering, shopping, and sampling each others Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes yum! We had so much fun and cant wait for a couple of weeks to go back and cheer on Ryker for boys state! I also mentioned Valentines day in my title and Chris and I had a great Valentines day it didn't help that he had three test in a couple of days and tons of homework. I hate school sometimes and I'm not even the one going to school. but I got a beautiful bouquet of a dozen long stemmed red roses and we went out and ate at the Pineapple Grill one of Chris' favorites. The best part was I got to spend a couple of hours just me and Chris. With school, kids sports it seems like "us" time doesn't seem to hit top priority so it was nice to be with my best friend and love of my life. I am so grateful that I have such a hard working and dedicated husband because I know this time will pass and I will get my husband back. but for right now I understand and love him for it. I hope you all had a great valentines day! Until next time.....
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Its been awhile
So I know its been like eight months maybe more since I have posted, but honestly I like reading about your lives way more then writing about mine. But to catch you up Chris and I moved back to Rexburg we bought a townhouse at Parkside and we are loving it. Its nice to have a home of your own that you can decorate and paint whatever your heart desires. I know its terrible to say right now but Im so excited to get my Christmas decorations out and go crazy but I promise Im staying strong and only fall and Halloween decor is out. I am back working for my uncle at the dental office of Toenjes,Brizzee, and Orme and Im loving being back. Chris is working at American Family Insurance in Idaho Falls and going to school at ISU. We got pregnant with baby number one in july and in my 13th week lost the baby. and with all that going on Im doing good. I struggled at first it took us nine months to get pregnant with that baby and to loose it was hard but with the wonderful love of my husband, family, friends and the rock of me my Heavenly Father Im going on day by day with my head held high enjoying the moments, the days and going on with faith. We got the ultra sound at nine weeks and saw the heartbeat and it was 193 beats per minute. I think that little spirit was so excited to recieve his body knowing thats all he needed and I was grateful enough to be able to share that moment with it. The doctor said that the baby must of died right after that visit and I carried that baby four weeks after until I finally miscarried. Im feeling a lot better and thank all the comforting words, treats and hugs. I am going on looking forward enjoying each day because I have a fabulous marriage, awesome family and friends, and really your day just is better when you smile.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Got to love Braces!!
Its been awhile since I have posted but even being home it still seems like we are always on the go. Halloween was really fun we spent it at my grandmas eating soup and hanging with family. Chris and I are both working and like I said really busy. I got the day off today though and went with my mom, Tyra, and Kreed to there Dentist apt. Today was the day they got their braces on. I was so excited to see all the people I use to work with and I was even lucky enough to assist in putting on Tyra's braces. They look super cute in their braces. Enjoy the blackmail pics!! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
End of one Adventure and the start of a new one
Its been really long five weeks I think and in that five weeks Chris and I have gone on a two week Europe trip. Moved internationaly to Idaho falls, got a job with Dr. Moulton, and really the list doesnt stop there. I'll back up and for my sake go over the Europe trip with my parents.
My parents flew into Luxembourg which is a country ps ...I didnt know that. and that day I couldnt of been more excited I didnt sleep at all that night knowing that I was going to see them and to be able to go on this amazing trip with them. My parents were here for 12 days and in that time we hit eight countries. We took the company car and drove and drove. Here was our schedule
Day 1 Cochem Castle, Eltz Castle, and Prymont Castle
Day 2 Tour Grimme and Cologne Cathedral
Day 3 Paris
Day 4 Brussels and Ghent Belgium
Day 5 Bremen
Day 6 The Netherlands
Day 7 Dachau Concentration Camp and Nuenschwanstein castle
Day 8 Laturbruen Switzerland
Day 9 Austria
Day 10 Osnabruck
Day 11 Prague, Czech Republic
Day 12 Luxembourg
As you can see way tight schedule. We tried to soak everything up one last time and we did it with a bang. Laughs, Pictures and so many memories we had on that last big trip and Im so grateful that my parents got to come and experience it with us.

Germany was amazing and honestly I would go back in a second. I just wish my friends and family could be there too. We had a lot of fun and tried to experience it all. Chris and I by the time it was time to go home we went to every country that borders Germany. We had so much fun made a lot of friends and even more memories.
We flew into Idaho falls and the next adventure began. We got a townhouse in Idaho falls and its slowly but starting to get put together and starting to look like a home. Chris turned 23 we spent the weekend laughing and spending time with family. I got a job working for Dr. Moulton a periodontist here in Idaho falls. Which I really enjoy. Now we are busy with school, work, volleyball and soccer games and just enjoying life. We are so glad to be home and with our family and friends again. Sorry for such a long post until next time.....
My parents flew into Luxembourg which is a country ps ...I didnt know that. and that day I couldnt of been more excited I didnt sleep at all that night knowing that I was going to see them and to be able to go on this amazing trip with them. My parents were here for 12 days and in that time we hit eight countries. We took the company car and drove and drove. Here was our schedule
Day 1 Cochem Castle, Eltz Castle, and Prymont Castle
Day 2 Tour Grimme and Cologne Cathedral
Day 3 Paris
Day 4 Brussels and Ghent Belgium
Day 5 Bremen
Day 6 The Netherlands
Day 7 Dachau Concentration Camp and Nuenschwanstein castle
Day 8 Laturbruen Switzerland
Day 9 Austria
Day 10 Osnabruck
Day 11 Prague, Czech Republic
Day 12 Luxembourg
As you can see way tight schedule. We tried to soak everything up one last time and we did it with a bang. Laughs, Pictures and so many memories we had on that last big trip and Im so grateful that my parents got to come and experience it with us.

Germany was amazing and honestly I would go back in a second. I just wish my friends and family could be there too. We had a lot of fun and tried to experience it all. Chris and I by the time it was time to go home we went to every country that borders Germany. We had so much fun made a lot of friends and even more memories.
We flew into Idaho falls and the next adventure began. We got a townhouse in Idaho falls and its slowly but starting to get put together and starting to look like a home. Chris turned 23 we spent the weekend laughing and spending time with family. I got a job working for Dr. Moulton a periodontist here in Idaho falls. Which I really enjoy. Now we are busy with school, work, volleyball and soccer games and just enjoying life. We are so glad to be home and with our family and friends again. Sorry for such a long post until next time.....
Monday, July 26, 2010
One year later!!! & Prague, Czech Republic
So Im really behind on my blogs but better late then never I guess. July 18th has come and gone and with that day it has marked a year being married to my best friend. What a year it has been being in Europe for half of it. Its was a year of LEARNING, GROWING, ADVENTURE, SMILES, TEARS,AND A WHOLE LOT OF LOVE!! I married my best friend and the first year seems to have flown bye. I cant wait for the years and eternity to come. I love you Chris thanks for all the adventures!!

With our one year anniversary we also went to Prague, Czech Republic and wow did I love this city. I think it has been the prettiest city we have been to so far. I just coulnt believe how old and detailed it was, but so well kept. Prague has a huge river that flows through it and beautiful bridges to compliment them. There is one bridge for walking only and on there, there are statues that people go up and touch, I assume its a religious thing cause they were all statues of the death of Christ. With all the beautiful architecture of course they have a huge beautiful Cathedral. This was the first cathedral we have seen gargoyles, which they are really creepy but inside I have never seen anything so ornate and gody. It was beautiful the stain glass windows were probably my favorite just because they were the most detailed I have seen, they were beautiful. Its funny for how pretty and fancy that building was the spirit when you walk in there is not one of peace and joy. In fact I dont even know if you could call it a spirit more of just a feeling of pride. Im sad that they even though its fancy and bold dont realize that the simpliest things are the things that matter the spirit that the building should bring isnt there. Im just really grateful for our temples and the feeling of peace and joy that it brings through its simplicity and purity. Also for being here in Germany we still get the news of what is going on in Idaho and I hope the Sullengers know that we were and still praying for there family and we were very grateful for there blog that kept us up to date on what was going on in sweet Preslee's life. Im grateful for temples and the power of eternal families! I get to see my parents in two days and I cant be more excited I cant believe its almost over! Two more weeks!!Until next time.

With our one year anniversary we also went to Prague, Czech Republic and wow did I love this city. I think it has been the prettiest city we have been to so far. I just coulnt believe how old and detailed it was, but so well kept. Prague has a huge river that flows through it and beautiful bridges to compliment them. There is one bridge for walking only and on there, there are statues that people go up and touch, I assume its a religious thing cause they were all statues of the death of Christ. With all the beautiful architecture of course they have a huge beautiful Cathedral. This was the first cathedral we have seen gargoyles, which they are really creepy but inside I have never seen anything so ornate and gody. It was beautiful the stain glass windows were probably my favorite just because they were the most detailed I have seen, they were beautiful. Its funny for how pretty and fancy that building was the spirit when you walk in there is not one of peace and joy. In fact I dont even know if you could call it a spirit more of just a feeling of pride. Im sad that they even though its fancy and bold dont realize that the simpliest things are the things that matter the spirit that the building should bring isnt there. Im just really grateful for our temples and the feeling of peace and joy that it brings through its simplicity and purity. Also for being here in Germany we still get the news of what is going on in Idaho and I hope the Sullengers know that we were and still praying for there family and we were very grateful for there blog that kept us up to date on what was going on in sweet Preslee's life. Im grateful for temples and the power of eternal families! I get to see my parents in two days and I cant be more excited I cant believe its almost over! Two more weeks!!Until next time.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Congratulations Ashlie
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Anne Frank & German Friend
Two weeks seem to fly by now, that when I blink it seems like another two weeks has come and gone. June 19th was a day of remembrance for Chris and I. We woke up and started our day with a bbq with friends from our ward and friends from Idaho, the Gugglemans had come to Germany to teach a photography group. Travis Guggleman had served his mission in Germany and with how small this world is he served in the Bremen Ward that we go to. It was so nice to see a familiar face and be able to talk with them what was even cooler was that he asked if Chris and I would come and model for them as he taught the group!!!! I was so excited. So after the bbq we were heading to Bergen Belsen Concentration Camp we had the missionaries with us and they came along with us for p day. A little history of Bergen Belsen was that this camp wasnt an extermenation camp, it was just a holding camp. but one of the worse holding camps there was they said still around 30,000 people were killed here from starvation, and disease. Also this camp is were Anne Frank was sent to, and died in this camp. Anne Frank was an amazing girl who died at the age of 15 they figured she died four or five days before the camp was liberated. To read her words and how she really looked at the world at a whole different level, was amazing. To think if she would of survived what potential she would of had. What she could of been and done. Bergen Belsen was burned by the English soldiers and now what is there is mass graves. It has a building of pictures and a movie that just litteraly takes the words from your mouth and makes you bow your head in sorrow to see how the bodies and the conditions were. Outside like I said mass graves cover the outside area. They have a tombstone for Anne Frank and her sister Margo but its just for remembrance they are buried in one of the mass graves. They also had a Russian POW cemetary which thousands of russians died to. In each mass grave contained from 1000 to 5000 bodies. This day was a very eye opening day and in the words of Anne Frank, "Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"

So I thought I would introduce all my blogging friends to my German friends. Lena, Marlene and Stephan. These guys are truly have been my best friends since chris and I have been here. We have done so much together and I will seriously have a hard time saying goodbye this is us at Pizza Hut here Marlene is the bleach blonde and Lena is in the ponytail both there boyfriends are named Stephan. but Marlene's boyfriend is going to school so he wasnt able to come. We also went to a world cup party and watched Germany defeat Ghana. Wow what a crazy thing all the people are dressed up and the come and watch it projected live. It was so much fun we got there and in less then two minutes we had german flags on our face and a German Hula necklace around my neck. Here are our German Friends......

My computer is taking to long to bring up pictures of this last weekend so I will update last weekend later. Everyday we cant believe how lucky we are to be here and to be able to experience this. We are so grateful for were we are and what we have done and the people that have helped us along the way. Until next time.....
So I thought I would introduce all my blogging friends to my German friends. Lena, Marlene and Stephan. These guys are truly have been my best friends since chris and I have been here. We have done so much together and I will seriously have a hard time saying goodbye this is us at Pizza Hut here Marlene is the bleach blonde and Lena is in the ponytail both there boyfriends are named Stephan. but Marlene's boyfriend is going to school so he wasnt able to come. We also went to a world cup party and watched Germany defeat Ghana. Wow what a crazy thing all the people are dressed up and the come and watch it projected live. It was so much fun we got there and in less then two minutes we had german flags on our face and a German Hula necklace around my neck. Here are our German Friends......
My computer is taking to long to bring up pictures of this last weekend so I will update last weekend later. Everyday we cant believe how lucky we are to be here and to be able to experience this. We are so grateful for were we are and what we have done and the people that have helped us along the way. Until next time.....
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